A collection of Artworks by Rebecca Salter
Exhibits & Press
Currently building a strong reputation and awareness following a series of successful commissions and sales. She aims to deliver professional affordable paintings which celebrate the roots of the traditional master in a modern manner.
Art Education
BA HONS Degree in Fine Art from the University of Kent 2004 GNVQ and A Level qualifications Fine Art obtained from Canterbury College.
The following exhibitions all resulted in a high level of sales and commissions: Current and going display of mix media works and paintings at Bronze Age Fine Art Foundry: the Limehouse gallery.
2017 - The London Film Museum - 2017 Sculpt Gallery
May 2014 - July 2014 The Others Gallery Four Corners London - March - June 2014 Mad About London - March 2014 Gallery 13 London Feb 2014 Exhibit Here - London
July 2013 Islington Arts Festival London - June 2013 The Strand Gallery London-
July 2012 - Present works sold on Saatchi online - Dec 2011 Commissioned artwork, paintings used for Keith James CD cover and sleeve -
Dec 2010 The Deafcat Rochester Kent - June 2010 Abstraction New Arts centre Chatham Kent - August 2004 - August 2005 Ongoing display of works at Fuse Gallery, Sandwich Kent July 2004 - Thanet Contemporary Art Festival, Margate Kent February 2004 - Visual Pluralism, Gallery IOTA Ramsgate Kent June 2003 - Four Squared, Gallery IOTA Ramsgate Kent April 2003 - The Second Coming, The Old City bar Canterbury Kent March 2003 - Altered View, Gallery IOTA Ramsgate Kent March 2003